ST IT Cloud

Cloud Migration

Servidor em nuvem é presente e futuro

Escalabilidade, segurança e redução de custos para sua empresa

Migrate to the cloud and gain scalability and flexibility for your business

5 reasons for your company to migrate to the cloud



Data encryption, firewalls, multifactor authentication and automated backups to ensure the security of your business information.


Cost reduction

Avoid unnecessary expenses with server maintenance and software licenses, invest more resources in strategic areas.


Scalability and Flexibility

Your company can grow quickly and adapt to market demands. Easily increase or decrease your resources.


Collaboration and Productivities

Advanced collaboration features, reducing response time and improving decision-making.



Experience new solutions and business models faster and more efficiently.

Transform your company with
Cloud Migration

There is a cloud tailored for your business 



Flexibility and customization for companies that want to integrate and transfer data between private and hybrid cloud environments.

Nuvem pública

Public Cloud

Para empreses de todos os tamanhos que buscam fácil acesso a tecnologias inovadoras, escalabilidade, segurança e economia

Nuvem privada

Private Cloud

For companies that need full control over their IT infrastructure, with a high level of security and customization to meet specific business needs.

Find out how it works
Cloud Migration

Discover the Cloud Migration Journey

Identification of migration objectives and needs

Requirements assessment

Assessment of local infrastructure

Choice of provider and cloud type

Assessment of security risks

Migration planning

Frequently Asked Questions about Cloud Migration

Migration to the cloud is the transition from the conventional processing and storage model, that is, physical (CPU, memory and hard disk) to the flexible cloud model, where you can only pay for the processing power and storage used (Pay As You Go). 

Cloud services can help improve your business results a lot, bringing benefits such as: 

  • improved agility
  • Availability
  • Information security
  • Competitiveness
  • automatic updates

Knowing the many benefits of migrating to the cloud, the next step is to learn how to migrate correctly, for this you must follow the following steps: 


  • What will be migrated: 

The initial step of the cloud migration process is to define what will be migrated, and create the scope of the migration with each step that will be taken. This way you guarantee that the migration will happen in the best possible way; 


  • Service model: 

It is necessary to study the service models, to be able to choose the one that best meets the needs of your company; 


  • Supplier: 

The priority after choosing a service model is to choose the right supplier, there are several IT companies focused on this area, so it is necessary to evaluate which company will be responsible for optimizing your business model and increasing your company's productivity; 


  • Integration Plan: 

Cloud computing integrates and centralizes the production of several employees. 

It is important to define access to storage data, terms of use for this data and what the rules for creating and editing documents will be. 

The inherent security protection of the cloud is one of its main characteristics, being constantly updated and always monitored to protect against possible attacks. One of the fundamental steps in the safe transition of data is the creation of a test environment and the performance of rigorous tests before the migration takes place, thus ensuring the possibility of rollback to a previous state, if necessary.

During the assessment process, ST IT Cloud experts will assess whether the data is cloud-ready or if there is a need for some modernization.

According to an IDC whitepaper, it shows that customers who migrate to the cloud can reduce their operational costs by 51%, increase IT staff productivity by 62% and reduce downtime by 94%.
