Cloud Laker
Agility and automation for your cloud data platform

Optimized architecture for cost reduction

Performance and scalability right for your data

Simplifique sua jornada de dados com Cloud Laker

Secure access and high performance

Maior eficácia na aplicação de algoritmos de Machine Learning

Se adapta às necessidades únicas da sua empresa

Agilidade e segurança na configuração do ambiente

Data Lake em minutos na nuvem AWS

Data Lake é uma peça-chave na jornada das empresas rumo a uma cultura Data Driven (orientada por dados), oferecendo uma solução acessível e poderosa para armazenar, processar e analisar uma ampla variedade de dados, independentemente de sua estrutura. Mais do que uma simples plataforma, ele representa um ecossistema dinâmico, capaz de catalisar a transformação digital ao proporcionar insights profundos e perspicazes a partir de dados antes dispersos e desorganizados. 

Otimize a consolidação dos seus dados corporativos e estabeleça um ambiente seguro para aplicação eficaz de algoritmos de Machine Learning com Cloud Laker, uma plataforma SaaS que automatiza a criação do seu Data Lake, em minutos na nuvem AWS,  proporcionando segurança e escalabilidade para seus dados, eficiência e redução de custos para sua empresa.

Além disso, é totalmente gerenciado na conta AWS cliente, você pode estruturar seus dados corporativos e aproveitar todas as etapas do processamento, desde a coleta até a aplicação de algoritmos de Machine Learning. É a solução ideal para empresas que desejam inovar e se adaptar às rápidas demandas do mercado.

Essa abordagem não apenas impulsiona a inovação e a tomada de decisões estratégicas, mas também serve como um farol orientador para empresas que buscam se destacar em um mundo cada vez mais centrado em dados.

Otimize a forma como sua empresa utiliza e extrai valor dos dados com Cloud Laker

Greater efficiency in data management

More accurate and actionable insights

Flexibility in manipulating and visualizing data

Data ready for Machine Learning It is AI

Decision making based on concrete and relevant insights for your business

Plataforma de dados analytics

Agility and cost optimization for your company

Discover the main benefits

Security, scalability and high performance for your data


Adept to the best practices of the Well Architected Framework

Fully Managed in AWS Customer Account

Data Governance & Compliance

Nuvem-Cloud Laker


Optimization of data management in a distributed and decentralized way

Structuring and configuration on AWS in a matter of minutes, speeding up the deployment process

Simplify Job scheduling, perform partitioning and transformations with ease

Cost Optimization

Scalable and high-performance Serverless architecture

Scalability and Performance

Plataforma de dados - Cloud Laker

Meets all your company's needs quickly, securely and scalably, through the AWS cloud environment

Simplifies cloud environment management and ensures improved performance

Turn your data into actions

Data Lake Plug and Play

Explore a complete data analysis and AI journey. Empower decision-making and achieve valuable insights

Complete Data Analytics and AI Journey

Easy-to-use, easy-to-implement data management solutions for businesses of all sizes

Cost Reduction

Low code/no code create solutions in a more agile and accessible way

Frequently Asked Questions

Key challenges include integrating a variety of data sources, ensuring data quality, implementing robust security measures, and needing technical expertise to configure and manage a Data Lake.


Benefits include improvements in strategic decision-making based on accurate and reliable information, data security, quick access to valuable insights, availability of reliable data for Machine Learning initiatives and creation of Dashboards, operational agility and ability to identify opportunities for business faster, optimizing your company's data journey.

Cloud Laker represents the synthesis of all the technical and business knowledge acquired by ST IT Cloud throughout the development and implementation of data environments for a variety of clients. It was developed with the purpose of simplifying and speeding up the creation of a Data Lake, integrating automated data ingestion processes, ensuring security and adherence to the best practices recommended by AWS.

Return on investment (ROI) can be faster with the Cloud Laker solution due to agility in implementation, access to advanced technologies, improved operational efficiency, personalized service from a highly qualified team certified in AWS services and competitive advantage in the market , gaining flexibility to adapt to the constantly changing needs of the business.

Cloud Laker optimizes the core services offered on the AWS Cloud platform, carefully configured and structured to maximize the effectiveness of each at every stage of the customer's data journey. This approach ensures not only data security, but also its correct management, automated integration and enables the creation of an environment conducive to the efficient application of Machine Learning algorithms and data availability in real time.

Data security is guaranteed through the use of AWS Well Architected best architectural practices, which ensures a secure, resilient, efficient and high-performance infrastructure for applications and workloads. Completely managed within the customer's AWS account, Cloud Laker covers the essentials of Data Governance & Compliance, while also enabling the integration of a variety of other services for continuous optimization of the customer's environment.

Expert support from professionals with solid knowledge of AWS, Data Analytics and Data Engineering is essential, along with expertise in data integration, data governance, cybersecurity and advanced analytics. ST IT Cloud remains, for the third consecutive year, in the leaders quadrant of AWS Ecosystem Partners Brazil 2023, in the Data Analytics and Machine Learning categories and can guarantee high performance, security and scalability in the right way for your data.

Key risks include lack of data governance, lack of stakeholder engagement and cybersecurity issues. These risks can be mitigated through a careful approach, stakeholder engagement and implementation of appropriate security measures.

The agility and cost optimization provided by Cloud Laker when deploying a Data Lake on AWS allows companies to respond quickly to market changes, identifying emerging opportunities, adjusting business strategies and improving the customer experience in an agile way. The Data Lake provided is serverless, scalable, cost-optimized, secure, and highly available.

The most common use cases include real-time market analysis, personalization of products and services based on customer behavior, fraud detection, and demand forecasting. These use cases have a direct impact on customer outcomes, providing competitive advantage and driving company growth.

Cloud Laker

Optimize costs and ensure agility and security when creating your Data Lake in the AWS cloud

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