Do you know how Big Data can help educational institutions?


We are specialists in big data for Education

Within an institution, the big data can be composed of various registration data to collect and store information such as: age group, academic background, address, professional activity of the student and their parents, origin, various academic information, absenteeism rates, student performance evaluations, school transcripts, teaching performance, research, etc. That is, all existing registration information within an institution forms the big data, both native data and already analyzed data.

This data collection during teaching can generate valuable information that will serve as a guide for the institution's action, whether related to the performance of its students, teachers, the institution itself, or even about behavior patterns of its future student in the classroom. time to choose (or not) to join your school. This solution within the educational institution makes it possible to collect real data on learning levels, identifying the points of greatest difficulty in learning certain disciplines or applying certain methodologies. 

Data analysis through algorithms of Machine Learning it can also be a very important point for calculating and predicting the school dropout rate. And it is from this that it is possible to create strategies to avoid possible dropouts.

Big Data is the future of Education

According to a recent report published by Allied Market Research, the global analytics market big data in the education market was valued at US$1TP4Q13.58Bn in 2020 and is expected to reach US$$57.14Bn by 2030, registering a CAGR of 15.3%.

After the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the analysis of big data in the education market has seen considerable growth. This occurred after the lock down in most countries and the increased adoption of the online teaching culture among students and teachers. In addition, the significant increase in demand for big data cloud-based among institutions education is accelerating market growth.

After this study, the question remains. Have you ever thought about the possibility of using the big data in your institution education?

Make smart, data-driven decisions!

We give ST IT Cloud We have a specialized team and 12 years of experience in the market. That's why we recommend, get in touch and allow the technological advance in your institution.


Previsão de Vendas com IA e Machine Learning
ST IT Cloud

Previsão de Vendas com IA

Antecipe o Sucesso das suas Vendas com Dados Inteligentes: Como Utilizar Previsão de Vendas (Forecast) com IA para Maximizar Acertos Em um cenário altamente competitivo

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