Urgent: Need for Digital Transformation in organizations in the energy sector


Urgent: need of digital transformation in the organizations of energy sector

There are many reasons to talk about the urgency in digital transformation of organizations in the energy sector. According to Ministry of Mines and Energy, by 2050 energy demand in Brazil will grow 3.3 times. What does that mean?

That even with the improvement in the efficiency of energy commercialization, the demand may still increase. Putting Brazil on a level of energy growth. However, even with the increase in demand, the goal is to reduce operating costs in the process of producing a greater volume of energy, in addition to minimizing the resources used in the activity.

The impact of this growth must also be associated in addition to demand, in 3 main points, namely:

1st Decentralization:

Aligned with the energy commercialization process, we have self-producers that are providing energy expansion. As scale increases, decentralization becomes imminent.

2nd Decarbonization:

Prioritizing the fight against climate change makes the transition to renewable and sustainable matrices work on a scale.

3rd Digital Transformation:

The future is tied to technologies such as: cloud, machine learningArtificial intelligence It is IoT.

What is the future of the sector?

We can expect it to be distributed, decarbonized and fully digital. This is because at this very moment there is an energy reform taking place, which leads us directly to renewable and cleaner energies. A global concern that must be considered URGENT by organizations.

Where can ST IT Cloud collaborate with this transition and market growth?

1st Accelerating the digital transformation;

2nd Innovations in technological processes through a data governance model, with implementation, monitoring, control and Insights;

3rdCybersecurity being an essential factor for the success of the migration to digital;

4thCalculation of carbon reduction, through technologies such as Artificial intelligence It is Machine Learning;

Want to know more? 

We give ST IT Cloud  we have a team, structure and more than 12 years of experience. Get in touch and allow the technological advancement in your business.


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