Machine Learning and AI go together


Machine Learning and THERE go together

Machine Learning would not be exactly the same as Artificial Intelligence?

Actually, yes and no. Yes because one thing is part of the other and not because THERE it represents an entire field of study, a broader concept than machine learning.

machine learning is, then, one of the facets of the artificial intelligence. It is its practical application as we know it so far. A THERE refers to the ability of machines to perform any task, from the simplest to the most complex, autonomously and similarly to humans. 

machine learning, in turn, has to do with the ability to learn, in a simulation of the human brain.

In general, the two concepts end up being related, and the application of machine learning  is an application of artificial intelligence.

find out now you benefits of machine learning for your company.

The benefits of machine learning for companies

According to a study carried out by the gartner, the adoption of practices of artificial intelligence, highlighting the machine learning, by companies provided their growth from 4% to 14% in the period of one year, between 2018 and 2019.

It is important to remember, however, that the machine learning it will only be truly strategic when conducted by a specialized team. Contrary to what many people think, the artificial intelligence did not come to replace professionals, but to optimize dynamics and results.

Let's see now which the benefits of using machine learning by companies, specifically those that have activities based on mathematical and statistical algorithms:

1st Conducting predictive analytics:

Many decisions made by enterprises could be different if they were able to predict the behavior of the target audience. As machine learning, it is possible. Based on previous behaviors, the system is able to analyze what the next decisions will be for the client.

2nd Improvement in brand communication:

Using the data generated to better understand who its audience is and what it wants, the company is able to optimize the way it communicates. As with predictive analytics, instead of “shooting all over the place”, it will focus its strategies on the group that is looking for exactly what it has to offer.

3° Reduction of operating costs:

It contributes to the automation of logical, analytical and cognitive activities, generating greater speed in the processing of information.

4° Reduction of errors, risks and operating costs:

Com From the moment a company can resort to automation, it naturally eliminates some expenses and still manages to guarantee improvement in the service provided. A classic case is the use of chatbots, which often replace or reduce the need for a team to handle phone calls.

Want to know more about this technology? We at ST IT Cloud have a team, structure and more than 13 years of experience. That's why we recommend, get in touch and allow the technological advance in your business. 

bet on Artificial Intelligence  and Machine Learning with ST IT Cloud!


Previsão de Vendas com IA e Machine Learning
ST IT Cloud

Previsão de Vendas com IA

Antecipe o Sucesso das suas Vendas com Dados Inteligentes: Como Utilizar Previsão de Vendas (Forecast) com IA para Maximizar Acertos Em um cenário altamente competitivo

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