What is the objective with the Analytics solution? Find out the top 5 expected results


What is the purpose of the solution? AnalyticsFind out the top 5 expected results

Keeping the data organized is essential to better utilize the collected information. After all, how do you know which strategies to draw or which are the best solutions for solving problems without clear and objective information?

It is in this sense that we see the importance of using the solution Analytics, since it guarantees access to data safely, at the right time and in an intelligible way. 

A project of Analytics, when well developed, is an important factor for time optimization. 

Understand more deeply Analytics

With the digital transformation the world has gone through in the last decade, numbers are increasingly present. Imagine structuring and managing a company without efficient data governance. Do you think it's possible to manage a business or guide commercial strategies without the aid of consistent information?

In Brazil, 60% of companies already use the Analytics to structure strategies and necessary changes in their businesses. The data was extracted from the Global State of Enterprise Analytics 2019 survey¸ an initiative by MicroStrategy in partnership with the global research consultancy Hall & Partners, which seeks to draw a global and cross-industry overview of the current state and future use of corporate data and analytics.

Companies that do not have their businesses driven by data tend to fall behind in the market, running the risk of disappearing in a few years. 

To help guide your company's information into an efficient structure, we've highlighted 5 main expected results:

1° Provide personalized customer experiences

It's common understanding among businesses that their customers want personalized, frictionless experiences. For this reason, improving the way we communicate and interact with them is one of our top priorities.

Data already exists, whether internal or external. Companies have information about what products their customers like, the channels they use to communicate, and other preferences. Utilizing the features of the solution Analytics, your company can extract more value from this data and obtain better insights to help in decision-making, where it is necessary to understand your audience and develop studies that make the decision more meaningful, personalized and profitable.

2nd Cost reduction

It is possible to develop models that optimize your business' operations and allow the construction of more efficient strategies, reducing expenses and improving the efficiency of your business.

3° Improves the accuracy and speed of your business

Stay ahead of the competition, your company needs to maintain dynamic and agile environments. The speed, accuracy, and power of predictive models give your business a way to differentiate itself and make predictions and estimates that are crucial to success.
Be able to respond to changing market conditions with insights derived from Analytics It is a differential that should be considered in your business strategies.

4th Increase in the customer base

With the use of Analytics and other solutions, such as: artificial intelligence and Machine Learning, the opportunities to expand the universe of customers are possible through the information that already exists in-house, allowing for communication and actions that are more correlated with the current customer base.

5° Meets compliance requirements

The solution Analytics, provides fast analytical processing and can aggregate and extract new information from a wide variety of new data sources, allowing your company to make more accurate and faster decisions.

Did you know some of the main expected results that the Analytics has to offer your business. In addition to the aforementioned cases, it is worth mentioning that the use of this strategy has great potential for cost reduction, by optimizing processes and helping to identify idleness and more effective workflows.

Now, the next step is to implement an effective strategy for capturing, treating, processing and analyzing data.

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